« Nothing is gained by running…»
Dear Friends,
During our 18 months of existence, thanks to your support, we have been able to develop severalwonderful projects. With the Fondation Planète Enfants Malades, we brought some of Charlie Chaplin’s universe to long-term hospitalized children in the pediatric service of the CHUV, we developed an activity kit that continues to put stars in the eyes of hospitalized children, and we opened the doors of Chaplin’s World to children being helped by the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which fulfills the wishes of children battling medical conditions. Our most recent project, ‘Every Child has a Story to Sing’, in partnership with the Foundation of Ribaupierre-Graz, is aimed towards children from immigrant backgrounds, offering them the opportunity to co-write and set to music an opera by children, for children.
Inspired by a quote from Mr. de la Fontaine, we inform you today of our decision to temporarily suspend the activities of the Circle of Friends of the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation, in order to take time for joint reflection with the Charlie Chaplin Museum Foundation to define the future roles of each of the two respective sister organizations, in harmony, and in the service Charlie Chaplin’s art, work and values.
We thank you again wholeheartedly for your support and encouragement, and look forward to meeting you again soon.